Thursday, May 15, 2014


...and that's how I knew we were expecting babe number two!

Seriously, that's how I knew I was pregnant.  I was at work one day and it dawned on me that I had been sneezing rather a lot.  So I did what any modern mommy would do and 'googled it'.  As it turns out, pregnancy rhinitis is a real thing!  With this knowledge, I excused myself from work to take my lunch break.  I ran a quick errand to the store for a test and two minutes later there a little pink plus sign sitting on my bathroom vanity.  I was floored!  Delighted, but floored!  You see, it took a year and a half to get pregnant the first time around.  This time...not so much.  Disney magic?!

I've been blessed to have an uneventful pregnancy thus far.  Yes, there have been a few discomforts and some unpleasantness, but nothing I can't handle.  During the first trimester, I had some star studded dreams.  (Featuring: Randy Travis, Ke$ha, these clowns and others...none of whom I spend any time thinking about, but it made me giggle to see their midnight cameos.)  There were a few times I felt irrationally CRAZY!  And was extremely tired!  Thankfully, at about 13-14 weeks, I started to feel baby's kicks--wow!  No unusual cravings to report, but I have longed for: almonds, craisins, beef stew, cake and lasagna.

Now that I'm in the second trimester, we're excited to find out baby's gender...just two weeks from now!  Right now, my dad is convinced baby is a girl.  Little man thinks it's a girl, as well.  I've caught myself calling baby "she" or "her"; I'm not sure if it's the power of suggestion or mother's intuition.  On the other hand, the Chinese gender predictor thinks baby will be a boy.  And last night I dreamt that I was tucking two little boys into bed.  No matter what baby's gender we are so pleased to have this blessed addition to our family!

Just for fun, tell me what you think...Boy or Girl?  and WHY?!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Girl Who Cried Baby

As the baby's due date inches closer, it's got me feeling like 'the girl who cried baby.'  I am so excited for baby to arrive.  Every little twinge has me wondering if labor is are a couple of examples (for your pleasure and my embarrassment):

On Tuesday, I was ready to go!  My co-worker Eric had predicted that Tuesday was the day baby would arrive (and he was right when it came to my co-worker's delivery date so I gave him the benefit of the doubt).  On my way to work, I called my mom to tell her that "I have a good feeling about today"; I was so optimistic!  As the day progressed, I started having some contractions and other symptoms.  It was enough to make me start thinking d-day had arrived and enough for the doctor to want me to come in for a visit.  Low and behold my hopes were dashed by those darn Braxton Hicks contractions!

Yesterday, I had my weekly check-up and as the doctor performed the exam she told me she wouldn't be surprised if things started happening soon.  Just keep doing what you're doing she said.  And she advised me to take some nice long walks too.  As I was cleaning up, I started having contractions again (yay!). This time they were stronger than those "fake" contractions from Tuesday...these were so different.  So for four hours I counted and timed contractions.  By 9pm they were about 5 minutes apart and 30 seconds each.  I called my mom again to let her know what was going on and she insisted that I call the hospital right away.  The hospital was reassuring and told me to continue laboring at home until the contractions were more intense.  Then the worst happened...they tapered off ever so subtly.  $&@*# Braxton Hicks!  I went to bed thinking that in a few hours I would be in full blown labor and baby would arrive.  No such luck.

Today, my sister Jill and I took a nice looooong walk then had some (spicy) Chipotle burritos  for dinner.  Call it wishful thinking and following doctor's orders.  Here's hoping that baby decides that these little things are enough to get things rolling!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Any Day Now...

The past few weeks have been very eventful and have just flown by.  After two amazing baby showers, we're feeling (very) ready for baby to arrive!

My beautiful sister-in-law, Amanda, & mom-in-law, Nancy, threw me a lovely baby shower for family and church family on March 24th.  Amanda 'took the cake' with her creativity...literally!
Pretty and practical...what more could a girl ask for?

The following weekend, my sister and mom threw a bee-autiful baby shower for our family and friends.  Everyone was buzzing about the adorable decor and treats--they were a sight to behold.

Both Josh and I were humbled by the outpouring of generosity by everyone!

Now that we've got all the gear and clothing needed for baby's first few months, we are more than ready for him to get here!  He is growing bigger and bigger by the day; the ultrasound today revealed that our boy is approximately 8 lbs, 10 oz (give or take 20 oz).  Whoa baby!  No wonder I'm feeling rather large (and in charge) these days.  Hopefully (very soon), I'll be posting pictures of baby (not belly).

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Droppin' & Poppin'

Over the past week or two I've noticed my belly growing more and more.  (Read: I had to buy new maternity clothes!)  In the last couple of days, others have been pointing out my belly busting growth spurt; they tell me that I look like I've dropped or really popped out there.  Further proof is my belly button (which hasn't popped out, yet) that gets shallower by the day.

To prepare for the arrival of our little boy, we've been attending "baby classes".  They've been really helpful, if not a little fear inducing.  (I don't know if I've ever been as anxious as I was after the c-section class--yikes!)  Despite the fact that I know things will not go according to my plans, I have started putting together a "birth plan" at the encouragement of the hospital staff.  At the start of my pregnancy I thought the whole idea of a birth plan was ridiculous, but now that d-day is getting closer it doesn't seem so silly. :-)

Now that I'm in the third trimester, I'm starting to feel the "warm-up" contractions (Braxton-Hicks).  It's been a little unsettling for both Josh and I, but he is taking good care of me (and baby).  Although Josh thinks I've been nesting for the past 8 months, I think it's just getting started...I'm in the "zone" to get all the little projects done around the house.  It seems like there are not enough hours in the day!  Also, the March heatwave we're having has me feeling like the mothering inferno--I never would have thought we'd need to run the AC in March.  I'm so glad this baby is due in May--not July!  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle yeah

These days I have a new belly.  There's nothing better than watching my belly do a little "wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle...yeah"!

It's just so fun to watch my belly move around with my little man's movements.  Last week at work, I was in a meeting and I noticed my badge and keys (kept on a lanyard around my neck since maternity pants have NO pockets!) start to jiggle.  I just can't help but giggle when I notice things like that.  Sometimes I see a little bump or thump and other times it looks like I have an alien in my belly trying to work it's way out.  It's totally crazy and I'm completely enthralled!

I don't imagine my little guy is acting like the guys in LMFAO, but I can't resist the thought that he is doing his best to do a little womb wiggling for Mommy.  :-)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Nursery: A Labor of Love

Today has been a busy day of painting and finishing in the baby's room.  Once we found out that we're having a boy we began dreaming up the ideal nursery for our little guy.  I had been looking online for some ideas and this room got us both excited.  This cute nursery became our inspiration and we got to work.

First, we started looking for the perfect light blue paint color.  I think we brought home over 100 paint chips from the hardware store to compare to the beautiful dark blue in our sun room.  Watching us narrow down the contenders was like an extended episode of the bachelor.  Finally the rose went to a beautiful blue number called: "Ice Festival". 

With painting underway we started selecting furniture for the nursery.  We found an excellent crib and comfy chair (thanks to my dad & mom-in-law) to round out the space.  

After all of our work, I have to say it's looking really great and I couldn't be more thrilled with the results:
View of nursery from entrance

I can't wait to add all of the finishing touches, but it's already something beautiful for our baby boy.

Love the dresser--hurray for Ikea.
I love the colorful artwork made by Aunt Jilly.
Again, gotta love Ikea!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Oh yeah, we've got scrotum!

Last Wednesday we had the 20 week ultrasound appointment which was so excited for both Josh and I.  We got to see the images of our little baby.  At the appointment, the ultrasound tech asked if we wanted to know the gender and we both eagerly confirmed we HAD to know the gender.  As she glided the transducer across my belly she found the right spot and announced that we're having a boy.  Josh echoed, "We're having a boy!"  with such awe that it was beyond precious.  I will never forget it!  The moment, though, was short lived when the technician tickled us with her comment, "Oh yeah, we've got scrotom."  It was everything I could do not to double over in laughter--priceless!  Here's a photo of our little boy's head in profile:

Everything looked normal on the ultrasound and apparently our little guy is going to be a bruiser (well, maybe).  He's currently in the 90th percentile for growth.  Wow!  Is it bad that I'm hoping he's closer to the 50th percentile when it comes time for delivery?

At the doctor's exam, our boy's heartbeat was sure and strong.  We even got to hear (and feel) a big old kick.  His movements continue to get stronger and I'm feeling lots of little punches and kicks already.

Our Christmas celebrations were wonderful!  We got to spend time with our amazing (and sometimes long lost) family members.  (Baby even got quite a few presents--lucky little guy!)  At Christmas I was in fine form...absentminded as ever!  As my nephew opened his brand new dinosaur toy, I called it an elephant.  Oh dear, I better get it together or my kiddo is going to be very confused!

Here's hoping your Christmas holiday was wonderful and your New Year's celebrations are fantastic too!